W o r l d J o u r n a l o f S u r g e r y

Articles In Press

World Journal of Surgery

World Journal of Surgery

Articles In Press

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In Press Volume 10, Issue 2

Research Article Open Access

Background: Cervical lymphadenopathy is common in children with diverse causes varying from benign to malignant, their similar manifestations make differential diagnosis difficult. This study intended to investigate whether radiomic models

Research Article Open Access

Aims: This study aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the clinical, pathological, and surgical features of acute appendicitis (AA) in a tertiary referral center - Clinical

Original Article Open Access

The etiology of primary pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) remains unclear. Current understanding suggests that sharp hair fragments from the occiput contribute to the formation of PSD. In 2009, Akinci et

Research Article Open Access

Introduction: Primary bone tumours of the distal tibia are rare, and amputation was the treatment of choice in the past. Custom-made endoprosthesis reconstruction of the distal tibia has become a

Research Article Open Access

Background: We aimed to compare the results of open surgery and double-port laparoscopic-assisted extracorporeal suturing repair for the treatment of morgagni hernia (MH). Methods: Twenty-two patients with MH who were

Research Article Open Access

Purpose: Accident or abuse play a role in the etiology of genital, anal and perineal traumas in children. It was aimed to evaluate the genital injury scores and treatment modalities


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